Friday, October 13, 2006

Yum Kipper

Gentile Friend:

Happy YOM KIPPUR (did I spell that correctly?)

Sarcastic Jew:

Thank you...

No you didn't It's Yum Kipper - it dates back to when the Jews didn't have any food to eat in the desert after being exiled from Egypt, and God gave them one salt fish to Moses (The main Jew at the time - Like Spielberg today) to share amongst all the Jews. Moses of course asked. "What am I supposed to do with one salt fish? And maybe a little schmaltz to go with it?" (I'm paraphrasing)

But that one salt fish seemed to last them eight days (it should have lasted them like two people for one meal, unless you are my grandmother who could make it last 21 days and feed three families and still have the bones left over for fish soup) but God provided. The youngest son of Moses - Bagel (pronounced Bay-gul) turned to his dad and said " Papa, where did you get that yummy kipper?" and Moses said. "God provided." Of course Bagel responded, "What no schmaltz?" (I may be paraphrasing again)

Of course over the years it's been shorted, but every year every good Jew takes part in the Kipper Festival where they dress like and eat fish and tell tall-tales and drink to our hearts content. Only after we have fasted underwater (like the Jews in the desert) then we eat the fish. The thing is (I'm sure you knew) Jesus was Jewish, and the Jesus fish comes from Yum Kipper.



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